In keeping with the Grand Master’s mandate to "embark upon a comprehensive programme of growth of membership”, the Grand Priory recently held an 'Information Afternoon' for those interested in knowing more about the Order and our charitable work.
The Afternoon took place at St Catherine’s Catholic Church, Farington, on Sunday July 10th, and was attended by a dozen 'interested parties'.
The Afternoon took place at St Catherine’s Catholic Church, Farington, on Sunday July 10th, and was attended by a dozen 'interested parties'.

Since the meeting took place on a Sunday Fr Mark Lawler, SChLJ, offered Holy Mass in the Usus Antiquior at 11.30am for those attending the Afternoon.
The Afternoon proper began at 1pm with a Buffet Lunch and a glass of wine, which was followed by an introduction to the Order & a presentation on the various charitable activities in which we are engaged throughout the world. There was a very lively question & answer session and the afternoon concluded at around 3.30pm with Tea & Coffee.