Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Charity Carol Concert Success - a true reflection of the spirit of Christmas

 Members and friends of the Order, 
along with the Grand Prior The Much Honoured Baron of Fetternear,
  braved terrible rain last Saturday evening to attend our annual Carol Concert. 
Fortunately the inclement weather didn't put people off coming out
and there was a full church to appreciate the wonderful music of the "Octavius Choir"
under the talented direction of Mr David Scott-Thomas.

 The evening raised the magnificent sum of £4,310, 
which is sent to Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith 
for the work of SUROL in Sri Lanka, 
caring for those affected by leprosy. 

 A wide range of music and readings both entertained and lifted our spirits 
as we directed our thoughts towards the great Feast of Christmas.

 Mulled wine and mince pies afterwards 
helped to fortify those who had to travel back home through the heavy rain.

 Special thanks should go to Chev. Anthony Dickinson KLJ, who organised the concert
and to the singers who gave their time and services at this busy period of the year, 
as well as to all those who came along and gave so generously to help those in need
- a true reflection of the spirit of Christmas.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Carol Concert in Lancashire

Carol Concert
on Saturday 19th December
Church of St Catherine Labouré
Stanifield Lane
PR25 4QG

Mulled Wine and Mince Pies afterwards.

Free entry
A collection will be taken for the work of 
SUROL - Cardinal Ranjith's Charity for
those suffering from leprosy in Sri Lanka
Everyone Welcome!

This is now our fourth year of this highly popular event,
raising thousands of pounds for our charities,
organised by Chev. Anthony Dickinson KLJ
 with assistance from professional and semi-professional singers from all over Lancashire.
Each year it is a great opportunity for members and friends to meet
and publicise the work of the Order in Lancashire.


You might also like "Last year's Carol Concert".

Friday, 20 November 2015

The Archbishop of Liverpool celebrates Requiem Mass for the Order

Early in November members and friends of the Order gathered in the Chaplain General's church of St Catherine Labouré in Leyland, Lancashire to celebrate Requiem Mass for deceased members and friends of the Order and for parishioners of the parish.
We were delighted that the Archbishop of Liverpool, the Most Rev Malcolm McMahon, OP was with us to celebrate the Mass.

The church prepared for Mass

Members gather to process in.

The members process in 
accompanied by the pipes played by Chev. William Hackett KLJ MMLJ.

Servers from the parish  were marshalled by MC Mr Charles Bradshaw.

Chaplain General for Great Britain,Rev. Fr. Simon Henry ECLJ GOMLJ, 
reads out a letter of thanks sent by Cardinal Duka, 
welcoming his fellow Dominican, the Archbishop of Liverpool.

The Archbishop processed in to Sacerdos et Pontifex 
by Peter Smedley
(a previous Director of Music at St Barnabas Cathedral Nottingham
 - the Archbishop's former Diocese)

His Grace, the Archbishop 
is assisted by two Chaplains of the Order, 
Fr Aldo Tapparo and Fr William Charlton.

The music was chosen by Chev. Anthony Dickinson KLJ, 
who arranged a superb Schola to lift our hearts in prayer,
 including Missa pro defunctis by Giovanni Francesco Anerio (c. 1567 –1630)
as the Mass setting.

Fr Tapparo reads the Epistle.

Archbishop Malcolm preaching.

Absolutions over the catafalque.

.Libera me Domine by Colin Mawby b. 1936 
(written for the occasion of the Requiem Mass of H.E. William Cardinal Godfrey in 1963)

IN PARADISUM from the Requiem in D Minor by Gabriel Faure (1845 – 1924)
May the angels lead you into paradise; may the martyrs receive you at your arrival

The Grand Prior and members process out after Mass.

We gathered afterwards in the St John Paul Room for a convivial meal.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Prayers for France

The Chaplain General will offer Mass today for the repose of the souls of those murdered in Paris.
Requiescant in pace.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Meeting in Amsterdam

The Grand Priory of the Netherlands held a Vigil and Investiture ceremonies this weekend in Amsterdam, whilst also hosting the international meeting of the Governing Council of the Order.

The Vigil Service was held in the charming surroundings of the Church of Our Dear Lord in the Attic
(Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder), a 17th-century canal house, now a museum but with a still functioning chapel in the attic. The chapel was built on the top three floors of the canal house during the 1660s; an important example of a "schuilkerk", or "clandestine church," in which Catholics from the seventeenth century, unable to worship in public, held secret services. 

 The Grand Master and members gathering for the Vigil.

 Leaving the canal house for dinner at the Grand Hotel.

 Visiting members of the Order from the Grand Priory of Great Britain.

Members of the Grand Council spent the following day in meetings until the evening when we gathered for the Investiture of new members for the Grand Priory of the Netherlands at the English Reformed Church. 

 The Grand Master addresses the congregation.

Afterwards we went by canal boat to the Gala Dinner at the Hotel L'Europe

The Grand Master and some of the Heads of Jurisdiction at the Dinner.

 Members enjoying the excellent dinner!