Sunday, 22 December 2013

In Dulci Jubilo - Another Successful Carol Concert

The candlelit church awaits.

Thank you to the singers and organisers of our Candlelit Carol Concert which took place in the Church of St Catherine Labouré, Farington, Leyland, on Saturday evening. A full church of people had a splendid experience to prepare us for the celebration of Christmas.
Not only that, but we raised £4,315 for SUROL 
- working to rehabilitate those suffering from leprosy in Sri Lanka.  This is the Grand Priory's adopted charity, so thank you to those who so were so generous in their donations.  

The event was organised by one of our members, Chev. Anthony Dickinson, KLJ, Secretary to the Grand Prior's Council.  Several members of the Order & companions were among the throng.

Anthony also sang baritone in the Schola for the Concert.  The two sopranos were Rachael Cotton and Angela Hicks. The counter-tenor, Simon Woof and the bass, Alex Kokotaylo.   Special thanks also to David Scott-Thomas who played the organ and directed the singers.  David is, among a number of hats he wears, the organist at St John's Church, Broughton, near Preston, well known for its excellent musical tradition.

There was a great atmosphere in the church and afterwards as we indulged in the traditional fare of mince pies and mulled wine.

Only Traditional fare - of course!

A Chancellor's work is never done!

Friday, 20 December 2013

3rd Annual Advent Concert in aid of SUROL

For the last few years the Grand Priory has hosted a splendid Carol Concert in the run up to Christmas and are fortunate to be able to hold one again this year.

Our annual Advent Concert of Carols and Readings takes place at Saint Catherine’s Church, Leyland, this Saturday, arranged by Chev. Anthony Dickinson KLJ. We always have a lovely evening with excellent music and readings and a hearty celebration fired by mulled wine afterwards!

 Please come along.

Saturday 21st December 7.30pm

Community Carols
Performed Christmas Music by the Schola
Festive Readings
Mince Pies and Mulled Wine

Entry is free but there will be a collection for the work of SUROL - a leprosy charity in Sri Lanka of which Cardinal Ranjith, the Archbishop of Colombo, is the Patron.