Friday, 14 February 2014

Appointments to the Grand Priory Council

The Grand Prior of Great Britain, His Excellency the Much Honoured Baron of Fetternear, MBE, GCLJ, GCMLJ, JP, has made the following appointments to the Council of the  Grand Priory of Great Britain:
Chev. Julian Tyson-Woodcock, KLJ, makes a welcome return to the Council as Capitular. Col. Tyson-Woodcock has previously served on the Council as Marshall of the Grand Priory. 

Burns Night 2014

Members of the Order of St Lazarus and friends had a rare treat at the Burns' Night Supper held recently to raise funds for the work of the Order supporting those suffering from leprosy in Sri Lanka.  Our Grand Chancellor, The Grand Prior, the Much Honoured Baron of Fetternear, was the host at Farington.  After a non-traditional Bellini to welcome guests, we had the excellent traditional Scottish fare of Scotch Broth; Haggis  wi’ Bashit Neeps & Champit Tatties, followed by Clootie Dumpling. Prepared for by the Selkirk Grace, prayed by our Chancellor, Fr Mark Lawler, SChLJ,:

                                   Some hae meat and canna eat,
And some wad eat that want it,
But we hae meat and we can eat,
And sae the Lord be thankit.           

A rousing Address to the Haggis was was given by friend of the Order Mr Scott Lawler, dressed in the unusual garb of a Hibs supporter, complete with ginger hair and bonnet! (For the record, neither his own!)  While we drank to the immortal memory of Robert Burns we also raised a glass to the King oe'r the Water! 

The Chancellor and the Marshal of the Grand Priory - suitably attired for the evening.

Thanks to members and friends for a highly enjoyable evening which raised £600 for the Order's charitable work.