2010 - 2012

The Grand Prior Emeritus, HE the Baron of Fetternear, hosted a Charity Dinner on May 7th 2011 at the Cavalry and Guards Club, Piccadilly. £1,000 was donated to the charity.
A second Charity Dinner was held on May 25th 2012 at the RAF Club, Piccadilly, when a further £1,000 was given to the charity
2012 - 2013
St Catherine's Hospice Care provides specialist palliative care within Central Lancashire covering the three boroughs of Chorley, Preston and South Ribble. The hospice helps people to live as independently as possible with medical conditions that, although they are incurable, can be treated and quality of life improved. Care is provided free of charge at home, outpatients, day therapy and overnight in the Hospice.
The highly specialised teams are led by Consultants in Palliative Medicine and the Hospice is recognised by healthcare professionals as a centre of excellence. St Catherine's works very hard to ensure that care is provided in a personalised way that respects independence, privacy and dignity.
Their services include support of patients with non-medical issues to help reduce any worries and anxieties that people may have, providing help for those experiencing bereavement. As an independent local charity St Catherine's Hospice works hard to raise awareness of Hospice Care and to fundraise with courtesy and sincerity, being entirely dependent on the dedication, commitment and generosity of volunteers and supporters.
2014 - 2019
The Grand Priory adopted the Elizabeth Frankland Moore Home in Blackpool, run by BLESMA - the British Limbless Veterans Association.
At our 2017 Investiture a cheque for £2,000 was presented to the Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Lancashire Col. Alan Jolley for the work of BLESMA (The British Limbless Veteran's Association), one of the charities Col. Jolley has been intimately involved in supporting over the years.

At our 2018 Investiture a cheque for £200 was presented to the Deputy Lord Lieutenant for BLESMA,
2016 - 2017
At our annual Burns' Night celebration - the Grand Priory of Great Britain was pleased to be able to support the St Thomas More Legal Centre with a cheque for £500, which was presented to its National Director, Barrister Mr Neil Addison. (He is the author of the Guide to Religious Freedom and the Law and Religious Discrimination and Hatred Law.)
The Grand Priory felt that the Centre's defence of Christians in modern society echoed the defence of Christians in the Holy Land that is the foundation and tradition of the chivalric Orders in their original purpose.

Following the 2018 Investiture Mass the Grand Prior, H.E. Chev. Anthony Dickinson,
presented a cheque for £2,000 to Mr Mike Parr, Chief Executive of
The Archbishop of Liverpool, Malcolm McMahon,
encouraged us to support this Hospice in his diocese,
which was founded in 1962 by Father Francis O’Leary.
We have been very happy to follow the Archbishop's suggestion
and hope to continue to build up our association with Jospice,
caring for those in need in the heart of the Archdiocese of Liverpool.

Our Grand Prior presented a cheque for £1,000 to the Army Benevolent Fund to
Dame Lorna Muirhead, Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Merseyside.

The highly specialised teams are led by Consultants in Palliative Medicine and the Hospice is recognised by healthcare professionals as a centre of excellence. St Catherine's works very hard to ensure that care is provided in a personalised way that respects independence, privacy and dignity.
Their services include support of patients with non-medical issues to help reduce any worries and anxieties that people may have, providing help for those experiencing bereavement. As an independent local charity St Catherine's Hospice works hard to raise awareness of Hospice Care and to fundraise with courtesy and sincerity, being entirely dependent on the dedication, commitment and generosity of volunteers and supporters.
2014 - 2019
The Grand Priory adopted the Elizabeth Frankland Moore Home in Blackpool, run by BLESMA - the British Limbless Veterans Association.

At our 2017 Investiture a cheque for £2,000 was presented to the Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Lancashire Col. Alan Jolley for the work of BLESMA (The British Limbless Veteran's Association), one of the charities Col. Jolley has been intimately involved in supporting over the years.
At our 2018 Investiture a cheque for £200 was presented to the Deputy Lord Lieutenant for BLESMA,
2016 - 2017
At our annual Burns' Night celebration - the Grand Priory of Great Britain was pleased to be able to support the St Thomas More Legal Centre with a cheque for £500, which was presented to its National Director, Barrister Mr Neil Addison. (He is the author of the Guide to Religious Freedom and the Law and Religious Discrimination and Hatred Law.)
The Grand Priory felt that the Centre's defence of Christians in modern society echoed the defence of Christians in the Holy Land that is the foundation and tradition of the chivalric Orders in their original purpose.

Following the 2018 Investiture Mass the Grand Prior, H.E. Chev. Anthony Dickinson,
presented a cheque for £2,000 to Mr Mike Parr, Chief Executive of
The Archbishop of Liverpool, Malcolm McMahon,
encouraged us to support this Hospice in his diocese,
which was founded in 1962 by Father Francis O’Leary.
We have been very happy to follow the Archbishop's suggestion
and hope to continue to build up our association with Jospice,
caring for those in need in the heart of the Archdiocese of Liverpool.

Our Grand Prior presented a cheque for £1,000 to the Army Benevolent Fund to
Dame Lorna Muirhead, Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Merseyside.