Monday, 24 December 2012

Christus natus est


G.K. Chesterton

There has fallen on earth for a token
A god too great for the sky.
He has burst out of all things and broken
The bounds of eternity:
Into time and the terminal land
He has strayed like a thief or a lover,
For the wine of the world brims over,
Its splendour is spilt on the sand.

Who is proud when the heavens are humble,
Who mounts if the mountains fall,
If the fixed stars topple and tumble
And a deluge of love drowns all-
Who rears up his head for a crown,
Who holds up his will for a warrant,
Who strives with the starry torrent,
When all that is good goes down?

For in dread of such falling and failing
The fallen angels fell
Inverted in insolence, scaling
The hanging mountain of hell:
But unmeasured of plummet and rod
Too deep for their sight to scan, 
Outrushing the fall of man
Is the height of the fall of God.

Glory to God in the Lowest
The spout of the stars in spate-
Where thunderbolt thinks to be slowest
And the lightning fears to be late:
As men dive for sunken gem
Pursuing, we hunt and hound it,
The fallen star has found it
In the cavern of Bethlehem.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Advent "O" Antiphon December 23rd

Emmanuel, our King and our Law-giver, Longing of the Gentiles, yea, and salvation thereof, come to save us, O Lord our God!

O Emmanuel, Rex et legifer noster, exspectatio gentium, et Salvator earum: veni ad salvandum nos Domine Deus noster.

Isaias 7:14
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign. Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son and his name shall be called Emmanuel.

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Advent "O" Antiphon December 22nd

King of the Gentiles, yea, and desire thereof! O Corner-stone, that makest of two one, come to save man, whom Thou hast made out of the dust of the earth!

O Rex Gentium, et desideratus earum, lapisque angularis, qui facis utraque unum: veni, et salva hominem, quem de limo formasti.

Isaias 9:7
His empire shall be multiplied, and there shall be no end of peace: he shall sit upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom; to establish it and strengthen it with judgment and with justice, from henceforth and for ever: the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

Isaias 2:4
And he shall judge the Gentiles, and rebuke many people: and they shall turn their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into sickles: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they be exercised any more to war.

Friday, 21 December 2012

Advent "O" Antiphons

In the Church's Liturgy of the Hours, Evening Prayer, also know as Vespers, always includes the great prayer of Our Blessed Lady known as the Magnificat. Each day, the Magnificat is preceded by a short verse or "antiphon" that links the prayer to the feast of the day or the season of the year. In the last seven days of Advent (December 17-24), the antiphons before the Magnificat are very special. Each begins with the exclamation "O" and ends with a plea for the Messiah to come. As Christmas approaches the cry becomes increasingly urgent.

These moving "O Antiphons" were apparently composed in the seventh or eighth century when monks put together texts from the Old Testament, particularly from the prophet Isaiah, which looked forward to the coming of our salvation. They form a rich, interlocking mosaic of scriptural images. The great "O Antiphons" became very popular in the Middle Ages when it became traditional to ring the great bells of the church each evening as they were being sung.

Each of the O Antiphons highlights a different title for the Messiah: O Sapientia (O Wisdom), O Adonai (O Lord), O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse), O Clavis David (O Key of David), O Oriens (O Rising Sun), O Rex Gentium (O King of the Nations), and O Emmanuel. Also, each one refers to the prophecy of Isaiah of the coming of the Messiah. A particularly fascinating feature of the O Antiphons is that the first letter of each invocation, when read backwards, forms an acrostic in Latin: the first letters of Sapientia, Adonai, Radix, Clavis, Oriens, Rex, and Emmanuel in reverse form the Latin words: ERO CRAS. These can be understood as the words of Christ, responding to his people's plea, saying "Tomorrow I will be there."

The Antiphon for today, December 21st, is:

O Oriens, splendor lucis aeternae, et sol justitiae: veni, et illumina sedentes in tenebris, et umbra mortis.

O Oriens (Is. 9:1): O Rising Sun, you are the splendor of eternal light and the sun of justice. O come and enlighten those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.

Just as the natural sun gives light and life to all upon whom its rays fall, so Christ, the Rising Dawn, dispels darkness and brings eternal life and light.

Saying the O Antiphons as a family, whether during grace at meals, in front of the Crib, or even in front of the Christmas tree, is a wonderful Advent devotion and a fitting way to prepare for the great events of Christmas.

Fr. Mark Lawler, SChLJ

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

The Grand Master’s Advent Message

he image of the Christ-child laying in the manger at Bethlehem is all about us in the Christmas season. That God should become incarnate for us in what is weak and vulnerable speaks of His great love for us. The helpless and innocent child evokes in us a desire to both protect and care -  characteristics that must abound in members of an Order that is both Hospitaller and Military. Soon after his birth the Christ-child was in need not just of loving care but also of protection from Herod's attack. To carry out our Christian calling in the Order we need the instincts both of the carer but also of the protector.

The unique Christian and chivalrous calling is to allow those instincts to come to bear not just where the recipients easily evoke our sympathy but also to care and protect those who would otherwise be rejected and shunned - no more so than in our original vocation to care for those made outcasts by the disfigurements of leprosy - in the poorest of the poor. So many people are caught up in the pursuit of the things of this world - its honours, rights and privileges - but we must take all that in our stride and hold true to those promises we made when we entered the Order. 

Our mission of Christian brotherhood is expressed in a very special way for us within the Order.   Ecumenism is at the heart of our mission and we must strive for the development of respect and understanding within the world that we live. This can be best expressed in a hope of understanding between religions. During this sacred period, we should remember in our prayers the challenges faced by our Christian brothers and sisters in the East, calling to mind the witness given by the Magi who travelled to greet the Lord in Bethlehem. 

And so, my dear friends, as we look on that image of the Christ-child this Christmas let it call us to renew our commitment to be active in the Order so that our lives may be infused with that spirit of this Christmas season which will make our lives truly noble before God.

My prayers for each and every one of you and all the good work you do.

Jan Count Dobrzenský z Dobrzenicz
Grand Master of the Order of Saint Lazarus 

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Advent Concert in aid of SUROL

Our annual Advent Concert of Carols and Readings took place at Saint Catherine’s Church, Leyland, last Saturday arranged by Chev. Anthony Dickinson KLJ. We had a lovely evening with excellent music and readings and a hearty celebration fired by mulled wine afterwards!

A collection at the end of the Concert raised £321 for SUROL - and a very generous  benefactor gave a further £10,000!

Thank you to everyone involved, especially the musicians:

David Scott-Thomas - Accompanist
Ailsa Mainwaring - Soprano Soloist
Simon Woof - Alto
Nick Davis - Tenor
Anthony Dickinson - Bass

Monday, 19 November 2012

SUROL's newly refurbished offices

The Grand Priory of Great Britain is helping to fund SUROL, a leprosy charity run by His Eminence Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, Archbishop of Colombo, Sri Lanka. This collaboration sees a welcome return to the roots of the Order - giving aid to those suffering from leprosy & their dependants. 

SUROL currently has 271 Beneficiaries and 127 Benefactors supporting 184 Families & 75 Children attending school, university & schools of higher education who receive a monthly allowance. 

The Grand Priory recently donated £9,000 to help with SUROL's vital work. Some of the money was used to set up & furnish new offices which will enable the staff to better co-ordinate their efforts throughout Sri Lanka.

SUROL's newly refurbished offices
A dedication plaque in the new offices
SUROL was accepted as an ‘Approved Charity’ by the Ministry of Finance as per Gazette # 55 of 11/04/1973, registered with the Department of Social Service, # CO/99/92 dated 21/02/1992 and the Ministry of Social Services # 0082 dated 04/05/1994.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Lest we Forget

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

John McCrae

Animae omnium fidelium defunctorum
per Dei misericordiam requiescant in pace. Amen.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Baptism of Princess Isabelle d’Orléans

Members of the Grand Priory of Great Britain send our warmest congratulations to Prince Charles-Philippe and Princess Diana on the Baptism of their daughter, Princess Isabelle d’Orléans. The baptism took place on Sunday 21st October 2012, in the Chapel of St John the Evangelist at the Cadaval Palace in Evora, Portugal. 

Princess Isabelle d’Orléans is the first daughter of Prince Charles-Philippe, Duke of Anjou, and Princess Diana, Duchess of Cadaval. Prince Charles-Philippe is the Grand Master Emeritus, Grand Prior of France and President of the Governing Council of the Order of Saint Lazarus.  Princess Isabelle's Godmother is Princess Dora Lowenstein and her Godfather is Prince Felipe of Spain, Prince of the Asturias. Holy Mass was offered by his Excellency Archbishop Maurílio Jorge Quintal de Gouveia, the Archbishop Emeritus of Evora, who had married the young couple on June 21st 2008 in the cathedral of Evora. It was an intimate ceremony with just the family and a few close friends.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Note Regarding The Statement Made By The Vatican About Equestrian Orders

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November is the month of the Holy Souls, when we remember before the Lord all those of our family, friends and benefactors who have gone before us to their eternal reward.
The holy sacrifice of the Mass will be offered on November 2nd, the Feast of the Holy Souls, for all deceased members of the Order, their families and friends, and all those countless benefactors who have supported the Order over the centuries. May the Lord grant them eternal rest in His heavenly Kingdom.

Pie Iesu Domine, dona eis requiem. Amen.

Animae omnium fidelium defunctorum per Dei misericordiam requiescant in pace. Amen.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

The Canonization of Saint Marianne of Molokaʻi

This morning in St Peter's Square the Holy Father, Pope Benedict, Canonized eight new Saints. Among them St Marrianne Cope, "Mother of the Outcasts", who spent thirty years caring for the lepers on Moloka'i. Here are extracts from the Holy Father's Homily.

The Son of Man came to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many (cf. Mk 10:45)

Dear brothers and sisters!

Today the Church listens again to these words of Jesus, spoken by the Lord during his journey to Jerusalem, where he was to accomplish the mystery of his passion, death and resurrection. They are words which enshrine the meaning of Christ’s mission on earth, marked by his sacrifice, by his total self-giving. On this third Sunday of October, on which we celebrate World Mission Sunday, the Church listens to them with special attention and renews her conviction that she should always be fully dedicated to serve mankind and the Gospel, after the example of the One who gave himself up even to the sacrifice of his life.

These words were the blueprint for living of the seven Blessed men and women that the Church solemnly enrols this morning in the glorious ranks of the saints. With heroic courage they spent their lives in total consecration to the Lord and in the generous service of their brethren. They are sons and daughters of the Church who chose the path of service following the Lord. Holiness always rises up in the Church from the well-spring of the mystery of redemption, as foretold by the prophet Isaiah in the first reading: the Servant of the Lord is the righteous one who “shall make many to be accounted as righteous; and he shall bear their iniquities” (Is 53:11); he is Jesus Christ, crucified, risen and living in glory. Today’s canonization is an eloquent confirmation of this mysterious saving reality. The tenacious profession of faith of these seven generous disciples of Christ, their configuration to the Son of Man shines out brightly today in the whole Church.
 I now turn to Marianne Cope, born in eighteen thirty-eight in Heppenheim, Germany. Only one year old when taken to the United States, in eighteen sixty-two she entered the Third Order Regular of Saint Francis at Syracuse, New York. Later, as Superior General of her congregation, Mother Marianne willingly embraced a call to care for the lepers of Hawaii after many others had refused. She personally went, with six of her fellow sisters, to manage a hospital on Oahu, later founding Malulani Hospital on Maui and opening a home for girls whose parents were lepers. Five years after that she accepted the invitation to open a home for women and girls on the island of Molokai itself, bravely going there herself and effectively ending her contact with the outside world. There she looked after Father Damien, already famous for his heroic work among the lepers, nursed him as he died and took over his work among male lepers. At a time when little could be done for those suffering from this terrible disease, Marianne Cope showed the highest love, courage and enthusiasm. She is a shining and energetic example of the best of the tradition of Catholic nursing sisters and of the spirit of her beloved Saint Francis.
 Dear brothers and sisters, these new saints, different in origin, language, nationality and social condition, are united among themselves and with the whole People of God in the mystery of salvation of Christ the Redeemer. With them, we too, together with the Synod Fathers from all parts of the world, proclaim to the Lord in the words of the psalm that he “is our help and our shield” and we invoke him saying, “may your love be upon us, O Lord, as we place all our hope in you” (Ps 32:20.22). May the witness of these new saints, and their lives generously spent for love of Christ, speak today to the whole Church, and may their intercession strengthen and sustain her in her mission to proclaim the Gospel to the whole world.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

St Marriane Cope - "Mother of the Outcasts"

 Since its foundation the Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem has had a special care for those suffering from leprosy. Indeed it began by welcoming knights from other Orders who had been stricken by this disease. Those suffering from leprosy, or Hanson's Disease as it is now known, have always been at the heart of the mission and prayers of the Order. The Order is overjoyed that the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, will tomorrow raise to the Altars Mother Marriane Cope, a woman beloved in Hawaii and known as “Mother of the Outcasts” for her work among the sick, declaring her a Saint. Her Canonisation comes nearly a century after Mother Marianne's 1918 death at Kalaupapa, an isolated peninsula on Molokai Island where Hawaii governments forcibly exiled leprosy patients for decades.

St. MARIANNE COPE (1838-1918)
Virgin, Professed Sister of St Francis,
missionary to leprosy patients

Barbara Koob (now officially "Cope") was born on 23 January 1838 in SE Hessen, West Germany. She was one of 10 children born to Peter Koob, a farmer, and Barbara Witzenbacher Koob. The year after Barbara's birth, the family moved to the United States.
The Koob family found a home in Utica, in the State of New York, where they became members of St Joseph's Parish and where the children attended the parish school. 

Sisters of St Francis
Although Barbara felt called to Religious life at an early age, her vocation was delayed for nine years because of family obligations. As the oldest child at home, she went to work in a factory after completing eighth grade in order to support her family when her father became ill.
Finally, in the summer of 1862 at age 24, Barbara entered the Sisters of St Francis in Syracuse, N.Y. On 19 November 1862 she received the religious habit and the name "Sr Marianne", and the following year she made her religious profession and began serving as a teacher and principal in several elementary schools in New York State.
She joined the Order in Syracuse with the intention of teaching, but her life soon became a series of administrative appointments. 

God had other plans
As a member of the governing boards of her Religious Community in the 1860s, she participated in the establishment of two of the first hospitals in the central New York area.
In 1870, she began a new ministry as a nurse-administrator at St Joseph's in Syracuse, N.Y., where she served as head administrator for six years. During this time she put her gifts of intelligence and people skills to good use as a facilitator, demonstrating the energy of a woman motivated by God alone.
Although Mother Marianne was often criticized for accepting for treatment "outcast" patients such as alcoholics, she became well-known and loved in the central New York area for her kindness, wisdom and down-to-earth practicality.
In 1883, Mother Marianne, now the Provincial Mother in Syracuse, received a letter from a Catholic priest asking for help in managing hospitals and schools in the Hawaiian Islands, and mainly to work with leprosy patients. The letter touched Mother Marianne's heart and she enthusiastically responded: "I am hungry for the work and I wish with all my heart to be one of the chosen ones, whose privilege it will be to sacrifice themselves for the salvation of the souls of the poor Islanders.... I am not afraid of any disease, hence, it would be my greatest delight even to minister to the abandoned "lepers'". 

Children and adults stand outside Father Damien's church in the late 19th century when around 600 sufferers were shipped to the island
A mother to the lepers
She and six other Sisters of St Francis arrived in Honolulu in November 1883. With Mother Marianne as supervisor, their main task was to manage the Kaka'ako Branch Hospital on Oahu, which served as a receiving station for patients with Hansen's disease gathered from all over the islands.
The Sisters quickly set to work cleaning the hospital and tending to its 200 patients. By 1885, they had made major improvements to the living conditions and treatment of the patients.
In November of that year, they also founded the Kapi'olani Home inside the hospital compound, established to care for the healthy daughters of Hansen's disease patients at Kaka'ako and Kalawao. The unusual decision to open a home for healthy children on leprosy hospital premises was made because only the Sisters would care for those so closely related to people with the dreaded disease. 

St. Damien and Mother Marianne
Mother Marianne met Fr Damien de Veuster (today Saint Damien is known as the "Apostle to Lepers") for the first time in January 1884, when he was in apparent good health. Two years later, in 1886, after he had been diagnosed with Hansen's disease, Mother Marianne alone gave hospitality to the outcast priest upon hearing that his illness made him an unwelcome visitor to Church and Government leaders in Honolulu.
In 1887, when a new Government took charge in Hawaii, its officials decided to close the Oahu Hospital and receiving station and to reinforce the former alienation policy. The unanswered question:  Who would care for the sick, who once again would be sent to a settlement for exiles on the Kalaupapa Peninsula on the island of Molokai?
In 1888, Mother Marianne again responded to the plea for help and said:  "We will cheerfully accept the work...". She arrived in Kalaupapa several months before Fr Damien's death together with Sr Leopoldina Burns and Sr Vincentia McCormick, and was able to console the ailing priest by assuring him that she would provide care for the patients at the Boys' Home at Kalawao that he had founded., serenity, trust in God
Together the three Sisters ran the Bishop Home for 103 Girls and the Home for Boys. The workload was extreme and the burden at times seemed overwhelming. In moments of despair, Sr Leopoldina reflected:  "How long, O Lord, must I see only those who are sick and covered with leprosy?".
Mother Marianne's invaluable example of never-failing optimism, serenity and trust in God inspired hope in those around her and allayed the Sisters' fear of catching leprosy. She taught her Sisters that their primary duty was "to make life as pleasant and as comfortable as possible for those of our fellow creatures whom God has chosen to afflict with this terrible disease...". 

Awarded the Royal Order of Kapiolani by the Hawaiian government and celebrated in a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson, Mother Marianne continued her work faithfully. Her sisters have attracted vocations among the Hawaiian people and still work on Molokai. 

Mother Marianne never returned to Syracuse. She died in Hawaii on 9 August 1918 of natural causes and was buried on the grounds of Bishop Home.

Mother Marianne’s generosity and courage were celebrated at her May 14, 2005, beatification in Rome. She was a woman who spoke “the language of truth and love” to the world, said Cardinal José Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation for Saints’ Causes. Cardinal Martins, who presided at the beatification Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, called her life “a wonderful work of divine grace.” Speaking of her special love for persons suffering from leprosy, he said, “She saw in them the suffering face of Jesus. Like the Good Samaritan, she became their mother.”
Mother Marianne died on August 9, 1918 and was beatified in 2005 and is now to join the glorious ranks of canonized Saints.

Prayer to
St. Marianne Cope

Lord Jesus, you who gave us your commandment of love of God and neighbour, and identified yourself in a special way with the most needy of your people, hear our prayer. Faithful to your teaching, St. Marianne Cope loved and served her neighbor, especially the most desolate outcast, giving herself generously and heroically for those afflicted by leprosy. She alleviated their physical and spiritual sufferings, thus helping them to accept their afflictions with patience. Her care and concern for others manifested the great love you have for us. Through her merits and intercession, grant us the favor which we confidently ask of you so that the people of God, following the inspiration of her life and apostolate, may practice charity towards all according to your word and example. Amen.

Through the intercession of St. Marianne Cope, I ask for the grace of (mention your request).
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be..

 St Marriane of Molokai pray for us and for the Order of St Lazarus
St Damien of Molokai pray for us and for the Order of St Lazarus

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Statement on the Secretariat of State's Clarification on Equestrian Orders

The Grand Priory welcomes the clarification issued by the Vatican Secretariat of State today on the status of Equestrian Orders.  It rightly makes the point that there are only five Papal Equestrian Orders, and only two others recognised by the Holy See.  It goes on to speak of the need for the faithful to be aware that other groups claiming to be Papal Orders or Equestrian Orders have no legitimacy.

This seems an opportune time to explain that the Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of  Jerusalem is not an Equestrian Order, and has never been a Papal Order.  Indeed, it is not a Royal Order either, although it has come under the Temporal Protection of the Royal House of France since 1154.

Today, the Order remains under the protection of the Royal House and its head, the Comte de Paris.  The Order is also recognised as a Non Governmental Organisation by the UN, and in several countries it is recognised by the Holy See as a Pious Union of the Lay Faithful.  Just last month the Archbishop of Prague, Cardinal Duka was installed as Chaplain General of the Order in the presence of the Apostolic Nuncio to the Czech Republic, Archbishop Giuseppe Leanza.

We well understand why the Holy See has felt the need to issue this clarification on its own Orders.  There are a number of other groups styling themselves 'the Order of St Lazarus', often including titles such as 'sovereign', 'reunited', 'constitutional', or 'obedience'.  Some of these groups perform admirable charitable work, but they do not benefit from the historic legitimacy of our Order.  Clearly the Holy See has a special concern for the legitimacy of its own Orders and those Orders it recognises, and it is right to issue the timely clarification it has done today.

It would be mistake, however, to think that this clarification is aimed at anything other than bogus equestrian orders claiming papal legitimacy.  Our Order (just like other groups as the Knights of Columbus, the Knights of St Columba and the Knights of Columbanus) makes no such claims, but rather rejoices in our own history and our tradition of humble service to the Church.

Investiture 2012 Admissions & Promotions


Three new members were welcomed into the noble Order last weekend at our Annual Investiture. Confrere William Douglas and Consoeur Elizabeth Douglas had been Companions of the Order, and have now decided to become full members. Consoeur Ann Lyon has also been a good friend to the Grand Priory, attending several functions over the last few years. We are delighted to welcome them.

Confrere William Douglas,BLJ

Consoeur Elizabeth Douglas,SLJ

Consoeur Ann Lyon, SLJ


Three members of the Grand Priory were promoted. Confrere Daniel Lawler was promoted to the rank of Serving Brother. Consoeur Margaret Lawler was promoted to the rank of Serving Sister. Confrere Anthony Dickinson was promoted to the rank of Knight.

Confrere Daniel Lawler, SBLJ, & Consoeur Margaret Lawler, SSLJ

Chevalier Anthony Dickinson, KLJ

Transfer of Obedience

The Most Revd Much Honoured Chev Michael Chenery of Horsbrugh and Whitehope, KLJ, declared his allegance to the Order under the 50th Grand Master.


Investiture 2012

 Members gathered after the Solemn Mass of Investiture
Last weekend the Grand Priory of Great Britain held its annual Investiture in Lancashire.  Three Postulants were received into the Order and the Most Revd Much Honoured Chev Michael Chenery, Baron of Horsbrugh and Whitehope KLJ declared his allegance to the Order under the 40th Grand Master.

It was a also good opportunity to pass on the good news to those members who could not travel to Prague last month to see Cardinal Duka invested in the Order as the Chaplain General for the whole Order, at the splendid St Vitus Cathedral, in the presence of the Papal Nuncio.  

Our present Grand Master, Jan Count Dobrzenský z Dobrzenicz has been very keen to enhance our traditional link with the Church, so for example, in several countries the Order is now recognised as a Pious Union by the Catholic Church and there is a strong insistence throughout the Order that, unlike some of the other green cross organisations, members are forbidden to be Freemasons (again to be in line with the teachings of the Catholic Church).  He has also worked very hard for the Order to recently become an NGO in Luxembourg and to be granted Consultative Status at the United Nations  You can read more about the Order at our international site and on our British site.  Anyone interested in learning more about the Order or interested in becoming a member should use the links page on the sites to contact the Grand Secretary internationally or here in Great Britain.

As to  the rest of the weekend, after the Vigil Service on Friday evening, to invoke the Holy Spirit for the Investiture, the Grand Prior, H.E. the Much Honoured Baron of Fetternear, presented a cheque for £1,000 to Mr Norman Cutler, representing St Catherine's Hospice  in Leyland. The Hospice is the British charity the Grand Priory is supporting this year (the international one being SUROL - a leprosy charity under the patronage of Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, for which we have raised £9,000).
The Vigil

 Postulants praying at the end of the Vigil

After the Vigil there was a Drinks Reception for members and guests.

 Mr Norman Cutler receiving the cheque for £1,000 from our Grand Prior and with other members.

Afterwards, we held a Charity Dinner at Farington Lodge.

The Charity Dinner

On Saturday morning we celebrated High Mass with an excellent Schola singing Casali's Mass in G, followed by the Investiture of new members and a Gala Lunch.

The Solemn Mass of Investiture

Drinks Reception after Solemn Mass

Congatulations to our new members and those who were promoted, details to follow!

Atavis et Armis