Sunday, 22 December 2013

In Dulci Jubilo - Another Successful Carol Concert

The candlelit church awaits.

Thank you to the singers and organisers of our Candlelit Carol Concert which took place in the Church of St Catherine Labouré, Farington, Leyland, on Saturday evening. A full church of people had a splendid experience to prepare us for the celebration of Christmas.
Not only that, but we raised £4,315 for SUROL 
- working to rehabilitate those suffering from leprosy in Sri Lanka.  This is the Grand Priory's adopted charity, so thank you to those who so were so generous in their donations.  

The event was organised by one of our members, Chev. Anthony Dickinson, KLJ, Secretary to the Grand Prior's Council.  Several members of the Order & companions were among the throng.

Anthony also sang baritone in the Schola for the Concert.  The two sopranos were Rachael Cotton and Angela Hicks. The counter-tenor, Simon Woof and the bass, Alex Kokotaylo.   Special thanks also to David Scott-Thomas who played the organ and directed the singers.  David is, among a number of hats he wears, the organist at St John's Church, Broughton, near Preston, well known for its excellent musical tradition.

There was a great atmosphere in the church and afterwards as we indulged in the traditional fare of mince pies and mulled wine.

Only Traditional fare - of course!

A Chancellor's work is never done!

Friday, 20 December 2013

3rd Annual Advent Concert in aid of SUROL

For the last few years the Grand Priory has hosted a splendid Carol Concert in the run up to Christmas and are fortunate to be able to hold one again this year.

Our annual Advent Concert of Carols and Readings takes place at Saint Catherine’s Church, Leyland, this Saturday, arranged by Chev. Anthony Dickinson KLJ. We always have a lovely evening with excellent music and readings and a hearty celebration fired by mulled wine afterwards!

 Please come along.

Saturday 21st December 7.30pm

Community Carols
Performed Christmas Music by the Schola
Festive Readings
Mince Pies and Mulled Wine

Entry is free but there will be a collection for the work of SUROL - a leprosy charity in Sri Lanka of which Cardinal Ranjith, the Archbishop of Colombo, is the Patron.

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Declaration of Legitimacy

In accordance with the declarations and constitutions of the Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, and in conformity with the wishes of the Grand Master, Chaplain General and Grand Master Emeritus, the Declaration of Legitimacy has been published and shared with all members and supporters of the Order. (Click the images below to open as a pdf.)

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Requiescant in Pace

The month of November provides ample opportunities to pray for the Faithful Departed, including, of course, Remembrance Sunday.  As Christians we are doing so much more than just remembering -  we are also praying for the souls of the faithful departed.

The church in quiet readiness for Mass.

Solemn Requiem Mass was offered on Saturday in the Church of St Catherine Labouré, Farington, for deceased members and friends of the Order of St Lazarus, for the War Dead and for all the Holy Souls in this month of November.
A number of members of our Grand Priory have had significant bereavements over the past months & they were included especially in our prayers.

Thank you to the ad hoc group of singers who sang the chant of the Mass and created such a prayerful atmosphere. Offering Mass with any of the traditional chant is so dependent on the services of those willing and able to provide music. In this the Grand Priory of Great Britain is admirably blessed by the talents and skill of Chevalier Anthony Dickinson KLJ.

There were many members of the Grand Priory present in their mantles, including our Chaplain General, the Grand Secretary, & Grand Treasurer of the Order.  The Sacred Ministers were all Chaplains of Order; Fr Thomas Wood ChLJ, Fr Damian McCaughan ChLJ, and Fr Mark Lawler SChLJ.  Particular thanks to Canon Amaury Montjean (from St Peter and Paul's, New Brighton) for acting as the MC and to the other servers.


Monday, 4 November 2013

Solemn Requiem Mass for deceased members of the Order of St Lazarus

Solemn Requiem Mass
Saturday November 9th 12 noon
St Catherine's Church, Farington, Leyland

November is the month of the Holy Souls, when we remember before the Lord all those of our family, friends and benefactors who have gone before us to their eternal reward.

The holy sacrifice of the Mass will be offered at 12 noon this Saturday, November 9th, for all deceased members of the Order, their families and friends, and all those countless benefactors who have supported the Order over the centuries. May the Lord grant them eternal rest in His heavenly Kingdom.

Members of the Grand Priory, family & friends are invited to attend holy Mass which will be followed by a buffet lunch to which all are also invited.

Pie Iesu Domine, dona eis requiem. Amen.

Animae omnium fidelium defunctorum per Dei misericordiam 
requiescant in pace. Amen.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

"Jesus, Master, have mercy on us."

Today's Gospel for Holy Mass in the usus antiquior relates the healing of ten lepers by Our Lord. A wonderful reminder to all members of the noble Order that the Lord is indeed "our unseen Captain" in our works of mercy. Let us remember to pray for all those affected by leprosy today.

GOSPEL Luke 17:11-19
In illo témpore: Dum iret Jesus in Jerúsalem, transíbat per médiam Samaríam et Galilǽam. Et cum ingrederétur quoddam castéllum, occurrérunt ei decem viri leprósi qui stetérunt a longe: et levavérunt vocem, dicéntes: Jesu præcéptor, miserére nostri. Quos ut vidit, dixit: Ite, osténdite vos sacerdótibus. Et factum est, dum irent, mundáti sunt. Unus autem ex illis, ut vidit quia mundátus est, regréssus est, cum magna voce magníficans Deum, et cécidit in fáciem ante pedes ejus, grátias agens: et hic erat Samaritánus. Respóndens autem Jesus, dixit: Nonne decem mundáti sunt? et novem ubi sunt? Non est invéntus qui redíret et daret glóriam Deo, nisi hic alienígena. Et ait illi: Surge, vade; quia fides tua te salvum fecit.  

At that time, as Jesus was going to Jerusalem, he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. And as he entered into a certain town, there met him ten men that were lepers, who stood afar off. And lifted up their voice, saying: "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us." Whom when he saw, he said: "Go, show yourselves to the priests." 
And it came to pass, as they went, they were made clean. And one of them, when he saw that he was made clean, went back, with a loud voice glorifying God. And he fell on his face before his feet, giving thanks. And this was a Samaritan. And Jesus answering, said: "Were not ten made clean? And where are the nine? There is no one found to return and give glory to God, but this stranger?"And he said to him: "Arise, go thy way; for thy faith hath made thee whole."

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Raoul Follereau

Raoul Follereau

1903 - 1977

Today, Saturday August 17th, marks the 110th birthday of late Frenchman Raoul Follereau, an extraordinary man who dedicated his life to helping the sick, but especially those diagnosed with leprosy.  

Raoul Follereau, born in 1903 in Nevers, France, was a journalist, philosopher, lawyer and writer. On his travels to North Africa he came face to face with leprosy and leprosy patients. The leprosy patients were not only poverty-stricken, frightened and ill, but also people that had been made outcasts from their own society. Meeting with the leprosy patients in this way was an experience which marked Raoul Follereau, so much so that from then on, he became the spokesperson for all leprosy patients worldwide. 

In 1954 Raoul Follereau founded the first World Leprosy Day. Since then, this day has been commemorated every last Sunday in January, in more than 150 countries. 

In 1966, his initiative resulted in the setting up of ELEP (European federation for the associations working against leprosy). Later on, it became international and came to be known as ILEP, a federation of major anti leprosy organizations).

In 1975, he submitted the text of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Leprosy Affected Persons to United Nations. Follereau died in Paris in 1977 on December 6, but his work lives on through organizations all over the world which call themselves ‘Friends’ of Raoul Follereau. 

To find out more about this remarkable man see the website of the Friends of Raoul Follereau.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

 Investiture 2013

On July 13th members of the Grand Priory of Great Britain met at St Patrick's Church in Soho Square, London to invest new members.  The Investiture was preceded by High Mass with Chaplains, Fr Aldo Tapparo, as celebrant, Fr Simon Henry, Chaplain General, as deacon and our Chancellor, Fr Mark Lawler, as sub-deacon.

St Patrick's Church, Soho Square.

The setting of the recently restored St Patrick's was indeed most splendid and enhanced by the beautiful music from Cantus Magnus "Messe de Nostre Dame" by Machaut (the first known complete Mass setting by a single composer - first written for Rheims Cathedral around 1350, a French setting in recognition of our guest of honour, HRH Prince Charles-Philippe d'Orléans, Duc d'Anjou, Grand Master Emeritus) and "O Sacrum Convivium" by Messiaen. The medieval chant of the Machaut Mass setting was particularly evocative and moving.

Members of Cantus Magnus practising before Mass

Thanks are also due to Juventutem London, who very kindly organised the servers for Mass.  Particular thanks to Fr Alexander Sherbrooke, Parish Priest of St Patrick's, for his very warm and helpful welcome.

Solemn Mass



Rev. Fr. Aldo Tapparo, SChLJ.

Ceremony of Investiture

At the end of Holy Mass the Grand Prior, the Much Honoured Baron of Fetternear, read out the Grand Master's Mandate for the Investiture.
The Grand Prior, the Much Honoured Baron of Fetternear MBE GCLJ GCMLJ JP

The Grand Prior was then joined by the Grand Master Emeritus and the Chaplain General, who blessed the Insignia. 

The Marshall then brought forward those who were to be invested.

HRH Prince Charles-Philipe d'Orléans, Duc d'Anjou.
Grand Master Emeritus

Fr Simon Henry, ECLJ, CMLJ,
Chaplain General
H.E. Chev. Matthew Jackson KLJ
Marshal of the Grand Priory

Conseour Anne Sterland was invested as a Sister of the Order.
Conseour Anne Sterland, SLJ.


Four members were promoted this year. Serving Sisters Jean Yates and Margaret Lawler were promoted to the rank of Dame. Serving Brothers Daniel Lawler and William Hackett were Knighted.

Dame Jean Yates, DLJ.

Dame Margaret Lawler, DLJ.

Chevalier Daniel Lawler, KLJ.

Chevalier William Hackett, KLJ, MMLJ.


The Grand Priory is extremely proud of the two young men, Michael Sterland and Max Carberry, who were received into the Order as Esquires. The future of the Order is in safe hands.
 Michael Sterland, Esquire. 

Max Carberry, Esquire.


Two good friends of the Order formalised their relationship with the Grand Priory by becoming Companions. The Reverend Dr. Terence Steele is a retired Superintendent Methodist Presbyter. Dr. Anthony Heyes is a retired Lecturer.

The Reverend Dr. Terence Steele, CompLJ.
Dr. Anthony Heyes, CompLJ.

Transfer of Allegiance

Two long-standing members of the Order of St Lazarus were welcomed into the Grand Priory, swearing their allegiance to the 50th Grand Master, Jan Count Dobrzensky z Dobrzenicz.

Dame Denese Carberry, DCLJ.

Chevalier György Sasfy, KLJ. 

Blessing of a Sword

Newly-knighted member William Hackett then had a new sword blessed by the Chaplain General. 

The ceremony of Investiture closed with the intoning of the Suffragium and the Oratio Equitum: 

 God, you have chosen us to be your Knights under the protection of the Most Blessed Virgin and Saint Lazarus, grant us grace to above all fulfil our filial duty to you, to be generous in charity to our neighbour, and to remain invincible until death against the enemies of the Cross. Amen.

Then were sung a Te Deum and the National Anthem, after which the Members of the Grand Priory processed out.

Gala Lunch

 After the Solemn Mass and Investiture members and guests repaired to the splendid East India Club, in St James' Square, for a Gala Lunch.

Michael Sterland Esquire and Max Carberry Esquire

Fr Aldo Tapparo, SChLJ, shares a joke with the Grand Master Emeritus.

Chev. György Sasfy, KLJ, Dame Denese Carberry, DCLJ, and Chev. Nigel Sterland, KLJ, MMLJ.

The Grand Prior rises to speak.
Chevalier William Hackett, KLJ, MMLJ, and Conseour Anne Sterland, SLJ.

HRH Prince Charles-Philipe d'Orléans, Duc d'Anjou.

Michael Sterland Esq. with the Grand Prior

Grand Priory of Great Britain