Thursday, 10 March 2022

Prayers and aid for Ukraine

The Grand Priory of Great Britain, under the instigation of our Prior, HE Chev Anthony Dickinson, has sent £2,000 to the Order's international appeal for aid to assist Ukrainian refugees. Already members in the countries bordering Ukraine are active in bringing this aid to those in need.

In an appeal in the Chaplain General's church of St Catherine in Leyland, £867.90 has been raised towards that. A fine and generous effort.

Our prayers as well as our practical actions continue to be with the people of the Ukraine for a speedy end to their sufferings. Prayers both for freedom and for justice.

Thursday, 3 March 2022

Order of St Lazarus in action assisting refugees from Ukraine war zone

The Grand Priory of Great Britain received news today of our brothers and sisters in the Hungarian Grand Priory who area actively looking after those fleeing from the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Our prayers are with them in this valiant humanitarian effort and we have sent £2,000 to the Grand Master's appeal to support those in need.

Their Chancellor writes:

The Grand Priory of Hungary has started to collect food, warm clothes, blankets, tents etc… and the first load arrived to the border last Thursday. 

Since then every second day two vans comute from Esztergom to the Ukrainian border loaded with instant food, cans, medicine and lots of hygiene products: pampers, sanitary tissues, feminine protections etc... On their way back the vans take refugies who wish to go to the airport or meet their relatives or acquaintances in Budapest.

The government controls the situation quite well, the border crossing points operate with no significant waiting queues. Schools, sport facilities, hotels not in use, even military barracks in the neighborhood were used and transformed in order to host these people in need. At this time their number is around 150 000.

We are in permanent contact with governamental and charitable organizations to find the best means we can help. This is how we got in touch with two small villages who have received no governmental attention so far, one taking care of 120 and the other of 80 refugees, the later e.g. has now about 50 children. (The above mentioned hygiene products etc. landed here.)

We provide funds to the councils of these two villages so they can give one warm meal per day for the around 200 refugees.  

Our brothers collect the requests and two day later we try to deliver that.

May God bless their work.

Atavis et Armis!