Tuesday, 14 April 2009

The Italian Earthquake

Confreres and Consoeurs,

You will all be aware of the terrible tragedy which struck l’Aquila in Italy, on 6th April. According to the Italian Red Cross at least 260 people are dead, 1,000 injured and 30 missing. The earthquake has left around 28,000 people homeless in the city, which has a population of 70,000.

Whilst the immediate relief work has been finished, there will be much to do in caring for the physically, emotionally and psychologically injured over the coming months. It is also critical that these people, many of whom have lost everything, get shelter, food and water.

Whilst a number of appeals have already been raised, should you feel called to provide financial assistance to the victims of this terrible disaster, then you may care to make a donation via the Commandery of Great Britain. Our Order already has an international relief team working in the l’Aquila area, and any funds which we are able to raise will be gratefully received by the Order in Italy to help them in the challenge which lies ahead. This will not be over quickly for them.

I do feel that this is a very worthwhile cause, not only in assisting those who are injured, distraught or homeless, but also in supporting our brothers and sisters in the Order who are working hard in difficult and trying circumstances. It is always comforting to know that, although others cannot be there to help in person, they are at least able to assist in whatever way is possible. I am sure that we will all remember both the victims and aid workers in our prayer.

If you do feel able to help, then please make your cheques payable to “OSLJ – Commandery of Great Britain”, and forward them to me at my address. I will acknowledge all donations, and thank you in advance for your compassion and generocity.

With confraternal best wishes,

Dr Nigel Wilson KLJ
