Friday, 18 March 2011

Fiat justitia!

In a judgment delivered on Tuesday, the Correctional Division of the Court of appeal of Riom acquitted Prince Charles‐Philippe d'Orléans, Duc d'Anjou, of all involvement in a case of industrial espionage.

In 2005 the Prince was falsely accused of having participated, as a former manager of a business intelligence company, in a destabilization operation which was intended to discredit the pharmaceutical company Théa.

This decision definitively puts an end to five years of unjustified court proceedings against Prince Charles-Philippe. His good name and reputation are now fully restored.

Throughout this difficult ordeal the Prince has behaved with great dignity and has sought to protect the Order of St Lazarus from any adverse criticism. The whole Order rejoices with him that his ordeal in now over and his honour restored.