The Grand Prior, the much honoured Baron of Fetternear, hosted a Burns Night Supper in Farrington, Lancashire - a long way from from his baronial seat in Aberdeenshire. The baron's piper, Confrere William Hackett, SBLJ, MMLJ, piped in both the baron and the haggis!
The evening began with a cocktail reception to welcome guests. When they had been piped in Fr Simon Henry, the Chaplain General, delivered Burns's 'Selkirk Grace'. The traditional 'Bill o' Fare' - Scotch Broth, Haggis wi' Bashit Neeps and Champit Tatties, followed by Clootie Dumpling with Cream, ending with Tea or Coffee with Shortbread - was followed by songs and poems. All washed down with wine and whisky. Toasts were drunk to 'The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns', to 'The King o'er the Water' (King James III ), and 'To the Lassies'. The night ended with a raucous rendition of Auld Lang Syne - all five verses - accompanied by the skirl o' the pipes. A great time was had by all and the evening raised £1,000 for SUROL, our partner charity in Sri Lanka which cares for those suffering from leprosy.
Mrs Jean Spencer, the Baron of Fetternear, and Fr Simon Henry |
Cons. Elizabeth Douglas, SLJ, addressing the haggis |
Confrere William Douglas, BLJ, who gave the "Toast to the Lassies" |
Chev. Anthony Dickinson, KLJ, singing "My love is like a red, red rose" |
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Confrere William Hackett, SBLJ, MMLJ |
The cooks, servers, and skivvies! |