Monday 27 April 2015

Our Chaplain in Rome with Cardinal Piacenza

Cardinal Piacenza and Fr Damien McCaughan (far right) with other friends of the Sisters.

One of the Chaplains of the Order for Great Britain, Fr Damien McCaughan of the Diocese of Down and Connor, was in Rome recently for the celebration of perpetual vows for the Sisters of the Missionaries of Divine Revelation. (You can read more about them, and the appearances of Our Lady of Divine Revelation HERE and HERE.)   Mauro Cardinal Piacenza, Penitentiary Major of the Apostolic Penitentiary, celebrated the Mass. He is well-know and respected throughout the clerical world for his inspiring letters to clergy from his time as throughout the world from his time as Prefect for the Congregation for Clergy. (Here, for example.)

 The Sisters prostrate themselves in prayer

 And offer themselves to the service of Almighty God.

 Congratulations to Sr Emmanuela - originally from Wigan in Lancashire.

 After Mass all went in procession to the new chapel for the novices.  His Eminence brought the Blessed Sacrament up and placed it in the tabernacle for the first time.  The altar was designed by the cardinal himself (complete with damask panelling!) and built by the sisters.

Afterwards there was a celebratory lunch followed by a cake with a picture of the shrine of Our Lady of Divine Revelation.  That Sunday was the feast of Our Lady of Divine Revelation (as well as Divine Mercy!).  There were gifts of rosary beads for everyone and here we see our Chaplain blessing them.