Friday, 20 November 2015

The Archbishop of Liverpool celebrates Requiem Mass for the Order

Early in November members and friends of the Order gathered in the Chaplain General's church of St Catherine Labouré in Leyland, Lancashire to celebrate Requiem Mass for deceased members and friends of the Order and for parishioners of the parish.
We were delighted that the Archbishop of Liverpool, the Most Rev Malcolm McMahon, OP was with us to celebrate the Mass.

The church prepared for Mass

Members gather to process in.

The members process in 
accompanied by the pipes played by Chev. William Hackett KLJ MMLJ.

Servers from the parish  were marshalled by MC Mr Charles Bradshaw.

Chaplain General for Great Britain,Rev. Fr. Simon Henry ECLJ GOMLJ, 
reads out a letter of thanks sent by Cardinal Duka, 
welcoming his fellow Dominican, the Archbishop of Liverpool.

The Archbishop processed in to Sacerdos et Pontifex 
by Peter Smedley
(a previous Director of Music at St Barnabas Cathedral Nottingham
 - the Archbishop's former Diocese)

His Grace, the Archbishop 
is assisted by two Chaplains of the Order, 
Fr Aldo Tapparo and Fr William Charlton.

The music was chosen by Chev. Anthony Dickinson KLJ, 
who arranged a superb Schola to lift our hearts in prayer,
 including Missa pro defunctis by Giovanni Francesco Anerio (c. 1567 –1630)
as the Mass setting.

Fr Tapparo reads the Epistle.

Archbishop Malcolm preaching.

Absolutions over the catafalque.

.Libera me Domine by Colin Mawby b. 1936 
(written for the occasion of the Requiem Mass of H.E. William Cardinal Godfrey in 1963)

IN PARADISUM from the Requiem in D Minor by Gabriel Faure (1845 – 1924)
May the angels lead you into paradise; may the martyrs receive you at your arrival

The Grand Prior and members process out after Mass.

We gathered afterwards in the St John Paul Room for a convivial meal.