Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Charity Carol Concert Success - a true reflection of the spirit of Christmas

 Members and friends of the Order, 
along with the Grand Prior The Much Honoured Baron of Fetternear,
  braved terrible rain last Saturday evening to attend our annual Carol Concert. 
Fortunately the inclement weather didn't put people off coming out
and there was a full church to appreciate the wonderful music of the "Octavius Choir"
under the talented direction of Mr David Scott-Thomas.

 The evening raised the magnificent sum of £4,310, 
which is sent to Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith 
for the work of SUROL in Sri Lanka, 
caring for those affected by leprosy. 

 A wide range of music and readings both entertained and lifted our spirits 
as we directed our thoughts towards the great Feast of Christmas.

 Mulled wine and mince pies afterwards 
helped to fortify those who had to travel back home through the heavy rain.

 Special thanks should go to Chev. Anthony Dickinson KLJ, who organised the concert
and to the singers who gave their time and services at this busy period of the year, 
as well as to all those who came along and gave so generously to help those in need
- a true reflection of the spirit of Christmas.