Sunday, 24 April 2016

St George's Day Mass and Chapter Meeting

 Members and friends of the Grand Priory of Great Britain 
gathered in North Yorkshire at St Mary’s Church in Crathorne 
on St George's Day for Mass and the Annual Chapter Meeting.
We celebrated Holy Mass for the feast of St George
- a suitably fitting Christian military saint for Order to invoke 
on the day of its Chapter Meeting.

 The present church dates from 1819, 
so we had to get used to the Box pews that were a feature of English churches in those days 
and still remain at St Mary's.

 We were very fortunate to have members of the choir from the Oratorian administered church in York, 
under the supervision of Mr John Ridgeway-Wood. 
They raised our hearts and minds with Monteverdi's Mass for voices, 
Viadana's Exultate justi and Pitoni's Misericordia Domini.

We gave thanks for the great efforts of members and friends of the Grand Priory, 
which have enabled us to support 
over the past year with grants totalling £11,500.
We are looking forward to our Investiture in the summer,
when we will welcome four new members into the order in the presence of the Grand Master.