Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Cocktails and Dinner

The Grand Master

As well as the Mass and Investiture, 
the 350th anniversary of the Order in Belgium 
was celebrated with a cocktail party and a splendid dinner.

The Grand Prior of Belgium making us welcome.

Cocktails were served in the Napoleon Room of 
Le Cercle Catholique
on the Cathedral Square.

HE Matthew Jackson, 
Grand Secretary and our own Marshal, 
enjoys the refreshments.

   Abbé Serge de Cauwer shares a light-hearted moment 
with the Chaplain General from Great Britain.

 Petr Řehoř from the Czech Republic and Matthew Jackson.

Don Cyrille Bachelfort greets Princess Léa of Belgium.

  Prince Laurent of Belgium arrives 
and is welcomed by Prince Charles-Phillipe and Damien Van Bellinghen.

A presentation of  some champagne "St Lazare".


 A few familiar faces from Great Britain with Prince Charles-Phillipe.

Guests of honour, including Princess Lea of Belgium, Princess Marie Gabrielle of Savoy 
and Mr Maxime Prevot, Vice President of the Walloon Government.

A Gala Dinner followed in the smart setting of Castle Cercle de Wallonie 
in the Namur Citadel.

HE Nigel Sterland, Treasurer to the Grand Magistry.

Pierre Piccinin da Prata, writer and war reporter
and member of the Belgian Grand Priory.

With thanks to François de Ribaucourt for kind permission to use his photographs.