Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Boigny Investiture

 The Grand Priory
The present Chateau.

The Church at Boigny.
After the Christian forces were expelled from the Holy Land, Boigny was the first commandery given to the Order of St Lazarus in France by King Philip IV in 1308. The chateau, church and lands, though no longer in the possession of the Order, still bear those historical links.

Capitular of Orleáns and Grand Capitular of the Order, Philippe Jourdain, explains the battle honours of the Order before Mass.
Two of our British Chaplains, Fr Mark Lawler and Fr Simon Henry, Chaplain to the Grand Magistry, had the privilege of attending the  Investiture Mass at the ancient church in Boigny.

 The Grand Prior in France, Prince Charles-Philippe d'Orléans, duc d'Anjou, 
conducting the Investiture.

Père Claude Girault, Chaplain in Orleáns, was the celebrant of the Mass.

A Luncheon followed, as always in the Order, most convivial.