Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Priestly Ordination

Archbishop Malcolm McMahon of Liverpool celebrated Pontifical High Mass for the Ordination of Deacon Seth Phipps to the sacred Priesthood at the Shrine of St Mary in Warrington, Lancashire last Saturday. The Shrine is run by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter. It is the second year that the Archbishop has celebrated ordinations there and only the second time ordinations have been conducted in the Traditional Form of the Roman Rite in Great Britain in the last 50 years.

Present was Great Britain's Chaplain General, representing the Order of St Lazarus,
at this wonderful occasion, offering our prayers and congratulations to the new priest,
Fr Seth Phipps, FSSP.

Before Mass stars the Archbishop prays at the Lady Chapel.

The Ordinand, Seth Phipps, trained at the FSSP American Seminary in Denton, Nebraska. He hails from the South West of England and holds a doctorate in Classics from Oxford.

Archbishop Malcolm addresses the ordinand and the congregation. 

Great Britain's Chaplain General and Chaplain to the Grand Magistry, Fr Simon Henry, was in attendance representing the Order of St Lazarus. 

The Litany of Saints.

The ordinand's hands are bound in service to Almighty God.

When the chasuble is first placed on the newly ordained, it is folded up, only being released at the end of the Mass as the newly ordained is sent out too minister in God's Church.

His Grace, the Most Rev. Malcolm McMahon, O. P.
The Archbishop of Liverpool.
His Grace, as with our own Cardinal Duka, is a member of the Order of Preachers - a Dominican.

The Sacred Ministers and servers.

The giving of First Blessings by the new priest.
We give thanks to God for another priest to serve His Church and continue to pray for vocations.

You can access many more photographs of the occasion at:

Photographs used here with the kind permission of