Monday, 25 March 2019

Fr Milan Badal. Requiescat in pace.

Sad news that Fr Milan Norbert Badal died yesterday aged just 62. A  Chaplain to the Order, he was also personal secretary to our Chaplain General, the Cardinal Archbishop of Prague, Dominika Duka, assisting particularly with media related issues.

Between 2003 and 2009, Milan Badal served as vice-president of the Czech television Council. Between 2015 and 2016 he was deputy chairman Of the Czech Radio Council.
From 1996 to 2003 he served as editor-In-chief of the Catholic weekly newspaper.

He was Born in the town of Opočno in eastern Bohemia, 15. August 1956. He graduated from the philosophical Faculty of Charles University in Prague.

He was parish priest to a parish on the outskirts of Prague at Hostivice.

He was a writer, publishing mainly with Sursum Publishing and was a contributor to the Christian Internet magazine He also published a recipe book of traditional Czech dishes.

Fr Milan last visited the UK on holiday in 2016, where the Chaplin Fr Simon Henry got him to try a pint of good northern bitter. The photo above shows that this was not a successful experiment.

Fr Badal in procession in Prague at the Navalis Festival.

He was a most kind and gentle priest.
May God give him the reward of his labours.

Requiescat in pace.

In paradisum deducant angeli
In tuo adventu suscipiant te martyres
Et perducant te
In civitatem sanctam Jerusalem
Chorus angelorum te suscipiat
Et cum Lazaro, quondam paupere

Aeternam habeas requiem