Our prayers for our Grand Prior, H.E. Anthony Dickinson - and his family - whose mother died peacefully at home yesterday. We offer our prayers for the repose of her soul.
This from his Facebook page:
Some of you may be aware, but for those who aren't, yesterday I lost my beautiful mum, Margaret Mary Dickinson (nee Halstead) aged 84 years. She died peacefully, following a relatively short battle with cancer, which she absolutely and resolutely refused to allow to get the better of her.
As a result we have been able to keep her at home and care for her in the house that she has lived in with my dad for the past 50 years.
In Thanksgiving that:
She died pain-free, at home and in the daylight, surrounded by a family that truly loved her.
She died on a Sunday, one hour after a Mass which was offered for the intentions of a 'Happy Death'; and which as church organist of St Mary's Euxton for 50 years (1961-2011), we considered providential.
Over the past few weeks she has received dozens of visitors in her home and the outpouring of love that my Dad and I have already received has been absolutely immense.
It was a truly happy death, one, which of course breaks my heart; as her only child she was my mum and my pal. She was truly bonkers
but then that's why I'm bonkers!

She was an outgoing, happy, lively, talkative, musical shopaholic, who liked nothing better than to reminisce about days gone by. One kind person said that she was a 'legend' - although I think my dad has referred to her on more than one occasion as a 'leg-end', that was when she was berating him for something that he had done or not done. As the old joke goes, they had been married for nearly 54 years; 4 of them nearly happily😉😂!!
Just to say that no amount of wealth can replace the love that dwells within a family, and the love that our family has shown to my Mum, my Dad and me has overflowed.
Her Requiem Mass will take place this Saturday, 1st June 2019 at 11:00 a.m. at St Mary's Catholic Church, Wigan Road, Euxton. Followed by burial in the adjacent church yard Refreshments in the Parish Centre following the interment.
Those of you with faith, please pray for the happy repose of her soul and for the strength for my dad, me and my family at this difficult time. Those who do not have a faith, of your charity, please remember us at this sad and difficult time.
My thanks and prayers to you all.