Saturday, 29 February 2020

Fundraising for February

Our Piper, Bob, prepares to pipe the guests in.

Our Grand Prior, HE Anthony Dickinson, hosted the annual Burns' Night Supper recently,
once again in Lancashire.

 Greeting the guests.

With tickets and donations, 
the evening raised £1,500 for the Order's charities,
including donations from three members, 
uniting themselves with our charitable efforts, 
even though they were unable to attend.
First course was the traditional Scotch Broth.

 We had a great turnout this year, with many members and friends.
Here's a few of them enjoying the evening.


Awaiting the Haggis.

The Haggis is carried in to the accompaniment of the scurl of the pipes by one of our Esquires,
all the way from Reading University.

The Address to the Haggis was given by Fr Mark Lawler
- well, you need a Scot to do it properly!


His knife see rustic Labour dight,
An cut you up wi ready slight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
Like onie ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
War-reekin, rich!

All the Haggis for the evening was donated by one of our Scottish members.
Thank you!

The size of the Haggis that got away!

The food was prepared and served by two of our members and one friend of the Order,
foregoing the pleasures of the evening for a few hours in the kitchen.
Many thanks.

The Grand Prior in festive mood.

We were also entertained in with music by songs both old and new.
Thanks to the talented pianists, violin players and singers who came along.


 Auld lang syne!