Thursday, 21 January 2021

World Leprosy Day

Sunday 31st January is designated as World Leprosy Day (each year the last Sunday in January). At his installation our Grand Prior HE Anthony Dickinson requested chaplains to offer Mass on this day for the intentions of the Grand Master, HE Jan Count Dobrzenský z Dobrzenicz . Our Chaplain General in Great Britain, Fr Simon Henry will be do so at the 10am Mass that day in his parish of St Catherine Labouré.

Mass is also offered each year on the old Feast of the Precious Blood for all those suffering from leprosy and for all those whom our charitable activities are intended to help. Prompted by the thought of leprosy as a disease of the blood recalling that the Precious Blood of Our Lord shed for us is the healing salve to all our infirmities - spiritual and physical.