Monday, 10 May 2010

Chapter Meeting and Charity Dinner 2010

The Chancellor and the Council of the Commandery of Great Britain ask all Members to attend the annual Chapter Meeting on the 5 June 2010 at 4.00 p.m. in the Church of St. Margaret Lothbury, City of London. It is important that you (individually and collectively) contribute to the life of the Commandery. After which the Commandery will be holding a Charity Dinner at 8 pm, in the President's Room at the Royal Air Force Club.

The dinner will be in aid of the Burkina Faso Project, one of the Order's most important charities. All confrères and consoeurs are bidden to attend and are encouraged to bring guests. This enables the Commandery to not only increase its charitable donation but it also brings the Order to the notice of a wider audience, which could lead to increasing our membership.

If you are unable to attend the Dinner, you are urged to make a donation to the Burkina Faso Project. Please download and complete the dinner application and reply proforma, which can be found by following the link.