Wednesday 14 November 2018

High Mass for the Investiture

As always with an Investiture, we celebrated Mass to call down God's grace upon us and our work.
Most especially on our new members, our new Grand Prior and those being promoted.
This year it was the Feast of St Michael the Archangel.
As the leader of the Heavenly armies, a very appropriate Feast  for the Order.

 Mass was celebrated in the church of St Thomas and the English Martyrs in Preston.

 Huge thanks go to the Canons of the Institute of Christ the King,
who administer the church there as a shrine and pilgrimage site 
honouring the English Martyrs,
who gave their lives for the Faith.

 The music was performed with great aplomb by the Octavius Singers 
and Mr David Scott-Thomas at the fine organ in the church.
Celebrating the Traditional Form of the Roman Rite.

 The Sister Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus from Preston also sang the chant.
It was absolutely beautiful.

 The stunning church was designed by E.W. Pugin and completed in 1888.

 English Martyrs Church is built on the site of an area that used to be called Gallows Hill. It received that name after the Battle of Preston of the Jacobite rising of 1715. After the government overcame the rebel army, it was on Gallows Hill that the rebel prisoners were executed. On the 5 January 1715, it was recorded that sixteen rebels 'were hanged upon Gallows Hill, for high treason and conspiracy.'

 Thank you also to Deacon Ryan from the USA 
and the altar servers who were drawn from St Catherine's parish 
from the Institute parishes in Preston
and from friends of the Order.

 Fr Leo Daley (Archdiocese of Liverpool) preached the sermon.

Our new Esquires took part, 
assisting as sidesmen, taking up the collection and carrying the banners.